18 April 2013

Hanging Out Day - April 19th

The sweet scent of clean laundry. 
The touch of the wooden pegs in your fingers. 
The sound of the breeze snapping the sheets and pillowcases. 
The way the clothes look as they hang in the sunlight,
like colorful pennants or sweet white flags of surrender.
The cool freshness of the dry clothes as you fold them. 
The heft of the willow basket as you carry everything back into the house.
The hypnotic pleasure of hanging, waiting, taking down, smoothing,
and then folding everything in piles.
(This one is ironing, this one gets folded and put away, this one is put on a hanger...)

And the energy you save by letting your laundry dry in the sweet Spring air.
Don't forget!


  1. Good morning Haworth, thank you for today's comment - love to hear from you. I joined you as a Follower some time back however notice now that your posts are not popping up in my reader for some reason, sorry about that because I dislike missing them. Has anyone else had that problem.

    A bit damp here for hanging out this morning - and the pollen is so heavy still I fear all would be yellow-green in no time. Loved the words you penned - wooden pegs are the best and remind me of my childhood in England when that was all we used - we hung everything on the washing line, even in freezing weather, as we didn't have a dryer. Old ways are always the best ways!

    Happy weekend - hope New England is warming up by now.

    Fondly, Mary

  2. Thank you for stopping by, Mary. We are much warmer lately, with moist air... perfect weather for gardening. I agree, the old ways certainly are the best and have fond memories of clothes on the line. Here in New England we are transfixed by the troubles in Boston and are hoping things will be safe again, soon.

  3. Good Morning Haworth, Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment.
    Yesterday, was the perfect drying weather. I stripped my sheets and pillowcases from the bed, washed them in the washing machine, then hung them out to dry and yes they were flapping merrily away on my washing line. Sorry to say, I did not use the old style pegs, but I did use the new version of the wooden peg. I love the fresh smell of newly washed bedding....perfect.
    I have enjoyed reading your post, it was fun, so I have become a new follower and I look forward to getting to know you better.
    Before I go, I am glad to hear your family are safe and sound. I heard on the news that the terrorist the police were hunting, has been caught. Today, before the London Marathon began,we had a minute's silence, for the people who died and who were terribly injured during the bombing...thank heavens the terrorists were caught.
    Best Wishes

  4. Thank you so much, Daphne, for stopping by and your kind words. Many who have had marathons or sporting events, such as London, have been so very supportive of Boston.. it's been so heartening for its citizens, I'm sure. The world is such a small place, after all, and we are all 'neighbors'. We have had the most splendid drying weather! Lovely warm days, bright sun, blue skies. It's been a long wait but Spring is finally here! I look forward to getting to know you, too. Take care.
